Webinars in English
Benvenuti alla pagina dedicata ai Webinar in Inglese di Academy of Distinction!
I cinque webinar (della durata di un’ora ciascuno) sono fondamentali per completare il numero di ore online previste per le classi di Academy of Distinction.
Ogni webinar unisce eccellenza accademica e collaborazione globale, offrendo ai nostri studenti l’opportunità unica di interagire con stimati docenti universitari provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Unico Zoom link per tutti i webinars: Registrazione
31 Gennaio 2025 from Japan.
Orario: 15.00​
Speaker: Dr. Charles Browne, Professor
Subject: The NGSL Project: Words and Tools for Success
Abstract:. This presentation introduces the New General
Service List Project, consisting of 8 open-source vocabulary lists tailored
for second language learners of English. It showcases various free online
teaching, learning, and research tools, including gamified flashcards, a Wordle game, and an AI-powered text profiling tool. Each corpus-based list targets specific genres like daily English and academic English, offering the highest coverage in the world for that genre. Modular development enables flexibility, and ongoing research confirms their efficacy in various contexts, including high-stakes exams.​​

Febbraio 2025 from Malta.
Orario: 15:00​​​
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Xerri, Associate Professor
​Subject: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking
​Abstract: This webinar introduces students to the key
principles of effective public speaking, focusing on strategies to build
confidence and engage audiences. Participants will explore
techniques for understanding audience needs, crafting clear and impactful messages, and using storytelling, vocal variety, and body language to enhance delivery. The session also covers how to handle challenging questions and overcome nervousness, as well as practical methods for refining presentation skills. Whether preparing for academic or professional settings, this webinar provides tools to communicate ideas effectively and make public speaking a manageable and rewarding experience.​​​

Video del Webinar
Marzo 2025 from UK.
Orario: 15:00​
Speaker: Dr. Myron Christodoulides, Professor
Subject: Combatting infectious diseases of the 21th Century
Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has show us just ho fragile
human health and our society is, when faced with a new infectious
organism.​ In this session, I will show you that humans have been
assaulted throughout recorded history by pandemic caused by numerous and different microbes, many of which persist today. I will also show you how we can overcome these diseases and why we need to be ever vigilant to the probability of new disease emerging, as our species continues to encroach and damage the environment.​​​

Video del Webinar

Aprile 2025 from Ukraine
Orario: 15:00​​
National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine​​
​Speaker: Myroslava Skrynyk, University Teacher
Subject: ...................

Video del Webinar
Maggio 2025 from Germany
Orario: 15:00​​
Institute Solar Fuels​
​Speaker: Dr. Marco Favaro, Chemical Physicist
Subject: ...................